Closeted sissy caught and used by strapon dommes

Being the closeted sissy that I am, as I always panties. One day was shopping and bent over for an item on the bottom shelf, felt my shirt pull up a little and my panties were exposed, exposed to two ladies that were behind me. I then heard them whispering about my pink panties.

I stood up and turned around, embarrassed, one of them took a picture of my face, they were both just standing there smiling, then one of them showed me their phone, with the picture they had, showing my panties.

They said, “ok pantyboy, this is how it works.” Either you follow us home or we will post both pics all over the social media to see if someone recognizes you or you come with us. So, I followed them home.

Once inside, I was told to strip down to my panties. They agreed, their pantyboy needed more. So they bought down a bra, wig, nail polish and makeup.

“Now you look like the sissy, we think you want to be and it’s time to show off your sissy skills.” They both were wearing strapons. They made me take turns on sucking their strapons, then they took turns fucking my sissy ass pussy and calling me a sissy faggot and telling me to admit that I’m a sissy faggot and I like to suck cock and be fucked.

They took my little penis (clitty) out and stroked me off and fed me my own cum. They were making a video while all this was happening. They said we expect you here next week for more fun or else.

Femdom for Sissy

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