Steve’s worthless little clitty dick

Steve Plouffe

Hey girls! What does everyone think about my clitty dick? It’s only 1/2 inch long when fully erect. Do you think I’m a man or would you cheat on me like a tiny dick cuckold?

Leave your comments below. Would love to hear what your first reaction was when seeing this miniature penis.

Steve Plouffe aka The California Clitty

Webcam Dommes

9 thoughts on “Steve’s worthless little clitty dick

  1. Hey this is Steve’s daughter, his entire family has viewed this. He must have a really bad meth problem. What an awesome platform to exist to solely showcase very sad and pathetic individuals. Good luck everyone! I hope this grants the humiliation of excitement Steve was looking for because I will never have anything to do with him and will make sure our family and future family have nothing to do with this sad pathetic drug addicted pervert!

  2. Ich hab gedacht meiner ist schon klein, 8×4, aber das könnte auch gut ne brustwarze sein. Lach

    Translation: I thought mine was already small, 8×4, but that could well be a nipple. Lol!

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